Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to Tell How Much Coffee to Purchase

Making coffee is not an exact science; much of it is personal preference. Some people like very strong coffee with no cream or sugar and others prefer a milder flavor and enjoy adding sugar, cream or flavored creamers. When deciding how much coffee to purchase to make a specific number of cups, or when making coffee for a large group, it is wise to make a medium-strength coffee and purchase accordingly.

1- Determine how many cups of coffee you wish to make. If you are purchasing coffee for personal use, estimate how many cups you drink per day and multiply by 14. Ideally, you should purchase fresh coffee every two weeks. If you are preparing coffee for a large group, estimate the number of coffee drinkers and multiply by the number of hours the event will last.
2- Divide the number of cups by 60 to calculate the number of pounds of coffee you will need. For instance, if you need 360 six-ounce cups of coffee you will need to purchase six pounds of coffee grounds.
3- Estimate on the high side and freeze the unused coffee grounds for later use. For instance, if you estimate six pounds, buy seven to ensure you have enough.

Tips & Warnings
Purchase creamer and sugar according to the number of servings listed on the package. Estimate high to avoid running out as both have a long shelf life.

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