Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Drink Red Tea?

Red tea, or rooibos (pronounced roy-bus) tea, is native to South Africa and has been used for more than 200 years. This naturally sweet and spicy tea is known for its healthful properties, including reducing inflammation, and its high level of antioxidants.

Red Tea vs. Black Tea
Red tea is not made from the same plant as black tea and has a different chemical makeup. Rooibos tea has no caffeine and much less tannin, which can inhibit the absorption of iron. If you are pregnant, switching to rooibos tea might be a good idea.

Inflammation and Allergies
The text "Prescriptions for Herbal Healing" notes that rooibos tea can help reduce inflammation and allergies, possibly by interfering with histamine in the body.

Like green tea, red tea is high in flavonoids and polyphenol compounds, antioxidants that help prevent the onset of problems that come with ageing.

Red tea, according to "Prescriptions for Herbal Healing," can help with insomnia by preventing firing of the neurons that keep the brain awake.

Red Tea's Reach
Though rooibos tea had been consumed by native South Africans for centuries, red tea was not introduced beyond African countries until the 20th century.

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